Covid 19 Update – Level 4
- Water Pump Servicing
- UV servicing
- UV installations where potable water is necessary ie. every home on tank water.
It’s critical we keep a few things working in our homes.
Running water is the first one- if your water pump plays up then call us, we are fully stocked.
Potable water is the next thing. It’s critical your immunity is not compromised during this time.
Therefore servicing and installing or updating UV systems is essential for tank water users.
The last thing you need right now is a bug easily picked up from water to compromise your immunity.
If you or your family members are immunity compromised then it’s critical you get your tank water treated safely ASAP.
If in doubt boil all your drinking water and call us.
We have a heap of customers due for a UV service in the next 4 weeks. These must be done to maintain a potable water supply.
We will contact you on how we will do this. All these works can be carried out without human contact on your site. We can work on our own and advise you through phone etc. how the job is progressing and if you need to do anything.
All other filtration work inside your home or mains water related, will be postponed until level 4 is reduced and things are back to normal.
Unless it’s critical like a leak.
Any questions, Raewyn is working from home so our office number remains
0800 AQUA UV
Or 0800 278 288
Or 094256080
Or call me Steve on 0274787427